New instructions for using TOPO! with Magellan Triton is now live at along with details on how to contact us for support.
I hope you find a Triton + TOPO! under your tree!
December 21, 2007
New Triton Tech Info is Live
Posted by Eric Riback 0 comments
Filed under:
National Geographic maps,
topographic maps,
Sphere It!
December 20, 2007
Idiot Proof?
A member of our sales team called today and I mentioned I was in the midst of testing updated instructions on transferring TOPO! maps to Triton, having unboxed a 1500 unit.
He asked, "So you want to see if it's idiot proof?" I didn't take umbrage. He knows I'm not exactly a GPS power user.
The good news is the directions worked easily. We're just fine tuning them and some additional tips and will have them on the web in a day.
Since this was my first time handling a Triton I'll say I liked the feel of it, loved the screen, especially the touchscreen operation. And the TOPO! maps I transferred looked great.
Meanwhile, Magellan informs us that the flood gates have opened and many more Tritons will soon be washing into stores near you.
Posted by Eric Riback 2 comments
Filed under:
National Geographic maps,
topographic maps,
Sphere It!
December 12, 2007
Question about Magellan Triton Delays
A Contours reader writes:
What is your view on the matter of the non-availability of a GPS-device (Magellan Triton) which is praised on your own web-page?
While we are not happy that the release has been delayed, more models are shipping to more stores each week. This is a new line that will be a standard for some years and so we view the delay as a short term disappointment.
While our relationship with Magellan is not exclusive, we are working closely with them and promoting the Triton line because they are the first company to do what thousands of our users and dealers have been asking GPS manufacturers to do for years: Allow them to transfer TOPO! maps to their handhelds.
Posted by Eric Riback 3 comments
Filed under:
National Geographic maps,
topographic maps,
Sphere It!
December 3, 2007
Where to buy Triton GPS
Last month we let you know the exciting news about a new line of GPS handhelds that will be the first to support tranfer of TOPO! maps to view and track on-screen.
Magellan's Triton units have begun shipping. A report on where to find them appears here today.
Posted by Eric Riback 2 comments
Filed under:
map software,
topographic maps,
Sphere It!
Maps Lead to Adventure
That headline is a motto we've used for some time. But right now it's literally true.
Now through December 31st, purchase one of our outdoor recreation map software products and qualify for a one-year subscription to Adventure Magazine.
Participating dealers will have tear-off coupons for submitting your claim. Online retailers will have a PDF redemption form. You can also find it here.
The offer applies to the TOPO! State Series, Weekend Explorer 3D, Back Roads Explorer 3D, National Parks Explorer 3D and our other outdoor map software products.
Where to buy:
Your local independent outdoor specialty shop.
National Geographic Online Store
Digital Map Store
The GPS Store
Map Outfitter
Posted by Eric Riback 0 comments
Filed under:
map software,
National Geographic maps,
recreation maps
Sphere It!
December 1, 2007
Concise Atlas of the World, Second Edition
National Geographic Books has just released the National Geographic Concise Atlas of the World, Second Edition, a condensed yet complete world portrait.

10 1/4 x 13 1/2
Posted by Eric Riback 0 comments
Filed under:
National Geographic maps,
world atlases
Sphere It!