Our mural world and U.S. maps are quite popular. We thought this was a great example of creative solutions for a challenging installation.
September 10, 2008
An Interesting Mural Map Project
Posted by Eric Riback 1 comments
Filed under:
mural maps,
National Geographic maps,
world maps
Sphere It!
September 5, 2008
Navigating with National Geographic: Seattle Region
Outdoor enthusiasts in the Seattle area can learn how to use a GPS with map software to plan hikes and other activities in a series of free evening clinics at REI next week.
Our Jeff Caulfield will take you through a simple trip planning exercise, discuss "on the trail" applications of GPS and give you tips on how to use GPS in the navigation process.
Clinics begin at 7 p.m. Click on links for maps and directions to each store:9.8.08 :: REI Tacoma, WA
9.9.08 :: REI Redmond, WA
9.10.08 :: REI Seattle, WA
9.11.08 :: REI Issaquah, WA
Posted by Eric Riback 0 comments
Filed under:
public demos/clinics,
recreation maps,
Sphere It!